in the coming weeks...
summer mission focus
Donate now toward the current needs at the Glen-Ed Pantry: men’s & women’s deodorants,
laundry detergent, shelf stable milk, pancake mix, syrup, and monetary donations sent directly to the pantry. In July, the Pantry will begin collecting school supplies. Donated items can either be brought to the church and placed in the designated bin in the Narthex, next to the Fellowship Hall, or they can be dropped off at the Pantry during regular pantry hours.
The Pantry can also accept monetary donations allowing them to buy the specific products they need when needed. Monetary donations can be donated directly to the Glen-Ed Pantry through their website,, mail or drop off: 125 5th Avenue, Edv., IL 62025 -
tues, August 2nd - men's breakfast
All men of the church are encouraged to join our monthly men’s
breakfast gathering for fellowship, prayer and study.Join us August 2nd at 8:30am at Denny’s in Glen Carbon
wed, july 20th - fun timers
8:30 AM -
Join the FunTimers for something different! We will be hosted by the Kennerly's at the Meridian Village Pavilion for Breakfast Picnic. Sign in the Narthex by Sunday, July 10. Want to bring something? See the sign up.