adult ministry groups

  • The Funtimers

    The FunTimers is the church's senior adult fellowship group.  If you enjoy good conversation and fun adventures while in the company of Christian friends, join us! 

    FunTimers meet each month, usually mid-day on a Wednesday.  They usually eat and find fellowship, entertainment, and local travels.

    Check the Messenger Newsletter for the current scheduled event.  

  • MEN's Breakfast

    On the first Tuesday of each month the men of the church gather for breakfast.  


    Usually at the Denny's in Glen Carbon

    Check the Messenger Newsletter for the latest.

    Fellowship, good food, devotion are all part of the monthly gathering.

    A once a quarter "other time" gathering is offered to facilitate participation of other men of the church -- on a Saturday or non "workday" time.

  • CHristian Crafters

    Every Monday morning a talented group of church women gather in Fellowship Hall to craft for a great cause.  They sew, knit, quilt, and more more creating blankets, hats, and needed soft items for babies and those in need.