March was an exciting month for the Search Committee as we reached
another milestone (see updated chart). During the month, we entered into
negotiations with the Candidate that we are confident will best serve
the needs of First Christian Church – Edwardsville. At the board meeting
on March 21, 2021, the Search Committee presented the Candidate for
Settled Minister via video and through an information document to the
board and elders. The Search Committee recommended the Candidate to the
board. We are pleased to announce that the board unanimously approved
the recommended Candidate. Based on that board approval, the board will
be presenting the Candidate to the congregation at the congregational
meeting that has been scheduled for Sunday, April 11, 2021. The
congregational meeting will follow a combined worship service that day.
If the congregation approves the candidate, we will be issuing a letter
of call to the Candidate following the meeting. Prior to the
congregational meeting, on Saturday, April 10, we will be hosting
several meet and greet sessions (following COVID protocols) with the
recommended Candidate. More details of the meet and greet sessions will
be sent out via constant contact. The Search Committee would like to
thank the congregation for putting their trust in us for this very
important task. Throughout the process, we have been diligent and
prayerful in our deliberations. We are pleased to present an outstanding
Candidate for your approval.
search committee update - april 2021